Was last week intense for you, too?
Between debates, the European elections, and personal stuff, I felt like in the middle of a bag of corn being popped!
I'm pretty good at embracing the change that I planned.
But it's a very different story when change catapults me into the unknown!
Over the years, I tested many ways to welcome change; here are my favorite techniques:
The Ostrich—head in the sand; not right now! If you're okay dealing with a more giant snowball later, this strategy works phenomenally.
The Rose-tinted Glasses—looking through the eyes of Little Miss Happy. It's fantastic to shift from a half-empty to a half-full mindset, but it's highly frustrating if you want an overflowing glass.
The Bring it on—Ultimate Will required. It's a fast and efficient method, but also energy-consuming and hard to sustain long-term.
Then there's my friend V's JOY Galore technique.
Despite some very challenging health experiences, her energy and outlook on life are always hanging out in the penthouse.
She's impressive to watch: like a Joy Ninja. Her laugh is so loud, it got her kicked out of a comedy club (#lifegoals).
So last week, when I stumbled upon this article on belly laugh I was like, Eureka!
Tapping into joy is the most straightforward way to increase your vibration and serotonin levels!
I know vibration can sound woo-woo, but energy is how we manifest /create the life we want.
Because we don't get what we want, we get who we are.
Ask Pharrell, a manifestation champ, who flew in a choral to sing Joy (Unspeakable) at his first LV show.
So, with V as my joy muse, I created a Joy Kit to help me practice the Joy Galore technique.
Forget Band-Aids and space blankets; I gathered my favorite humorists and upbeat songs.
I hate to admit how it feels like basic emotional hygiene.
But V's superpower is her belly laughs.
According to the Mayo Clinic, it is also the most potent medicine to increase your endorphins.
While hearing others laugh is highly contagious, I was told listening to your own laughter is even better because the brain believes it's you!
So I did!
And yes, listening to myself was so beyond ridiculous, it made me chuckle fast - the perfect antidote to my Little Miss Serious!
I urge you to give it a try this weekend!
Record yourself laughing out loud and listen back when you brush your teeth; your mornings will never be the same!
Bonus points for making it your ringtone!
Here's a few things I added to my JOY Emergency Kit:
Laughter recording - see below- and I will also ask for one from V.
Playlist of upbeat songs - this Brazilian one works wonders for me!
A list of favorite comedies like Long Shot is a great start!
If all else fails, read David Seders!
Grin away, it's a short week!