I get paid to be me
Celebrating a coaching certification today!
The second this year.
I feel like a pianist who just got delivered a new piano.
Typing "I get paid to be me" feels presumptuous -even to my fingers- so I'll share the work needed to get there.
I'll use the STAR method to describe this achievement (more w/ the Achievements Masterclass
-> Situation: all recruiting searches stopped in 2020, while many were looking for jobs.
-> Task: Help executives get hired faster.
-> Action: I developed training to get candidates to speak clearly about their talent and vision. I started coaching talent. I took coaching certifications to hone my skills.
-> Result: I have a new and thriving activity in addition to recruitment.
In retrospect, I took on a massive remodeling of my career, and like a first-time ambitious renovation, it was more time and money than I expected :)
Mainly because the subject was so fascinating that I decided to dive deep into certain areas.
As an experiential learner, it was amazing to draw ideas from multiple disciplines and test drive different types of coaching from mindset to self-hypnosis.
And while I was coaching clients and recruiting, I also was receiving coaching.
It was a lot and required stamina and drive to take exams again.
This self-rewiring felt like getting a PhD in Reinvention.
So when I say I get paid to be me...
Of course, people pay for my hard skills (coaching), like I pay my bookkeeper for his accounting acumen.
But the "to be me" part is my soft skills (the constant enthusiasm required to sustain change), the same way I chose Hiren Shah for the serene efficient energy he brings to my books.
Now, here's a quick evaluation of those 3 years:
What Went Well: I quickly found the teachers I wanted to learn from.
What Went Wrong: I took too many certifications at once.
What Would I Do Differently: I would have prioritized my energy and mindset.
And that is what the Deluxe Newsletter is all about:
rebalancing energy to make any coaching smoother and easier to implement even when you are already exhausted.
If the idea of adding one more thing to your plate feels overwhelming, it doesn't have to be that way.
Coaching is really easy to incorporate for anyone open to stretching their mindset...
from 18 to 81!
As my favorite futurist, Alvin Toffler, said:
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
The world is changing before our eyes; to stay relevant, a flexible mindset is a must!
I promise to make it fun.
Let us start imagining the 2024 New You.
Want more?
Following many comments, I recorded a podcast on Wearing vs. Embodying Luxury.
Because happy clients are your best advertising... "For the first time in my life, I could share things without spending 80% of my time explaining my thought process and feelings, Agate guided me directly toward solutions that worked."