Yesterday, my client shared that she wanted 2024 to be a year of massive professional expansion, which, for her, translated into larger projects and funding.
So I said, OK, let's start by emptying some stuff from your plate to create more space.
But nah, there was nothing she was ready to let go. She just wanted more!
So we decided to expand her capacity to receive.
We all have an inner container that kind of dictates how much success, prosperity, and joy we allow ourselves to receive.
Simply imagine a glass full of water; to add more, you either empty the current water or get a pitcher.
Adding anything to full container will make it spill.
We have a French expression for it: "Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre"
It mostly describes "gourmandise": literally having eyes bigger than the belly.
The same is true for our inner container; the spilling can come from success intolerance. Unconsciously, we can start sabotaging ourselves or pushing new opportunities away.
The tricky part is knowing when you are at capacity.
I think because:
1- most of us run at max capacity these days.
2- we are so taught to be resilient that we don't gauge our levels well.
3- acknowledging it implies change...
Inertia is often a clue. If you feel irritated or apathetic toward taking on an exciting new challenge, it could be time to slow down.
On the other hand, if you are ready for more, the good news is that we can consciously start expanding our inner containers.
Last January, I decided to make a big leap.
It happened, but I realized mid-air that it required an equal stretch in my capacity to receive.
And now, when clients come with stories of success that don't stick, it's often the first thing we explore.
Here are some easy mindfulness techniques to get you started:
The first one is gratitude.
I know you've heard it a trillion times.
That's because it works; here are 14 scientifically proven reasons!
The second is celebrating your achievements, big or small, to avoid getting into chasing mode.
Remember dating class 101: if you chase it, it will run away. True with everything, especially when success eludes us despite our best efforts and desires.
In the Deluxe newsletter, we go deeper with a powerful visualization meditation that engrains the image of an expanding vessel into your subconscious; click the link below if you feel like diving deeper.
My client shifted her energy from chasing to welcoming.
When we focus on expanding our ability to receive success, it naturally finds us.
There's always more to come!
Want more?
A new podcast for those who, deep down, know they have more to offer.
And thank you, Snoop Dog, for showing how to make gratitude fun!