There is nothing that I like more than reinvention, transformation, and newness,
Lucky me, because coaching is all about our capacity to change and what I write about in these newsletters.
But it's time to come clean.
I make it sound easier than it is.
Because we humans are wired to resist change.
In fact, in the 1960s, David Gleicher created a math formula about change, which Kathie Dannemiller later refined.
Change = D × V × F > Resistance
Three factors must be present for meaningful change to take place, which are:
D - Dissatisfaction with how things are now;
V- Vision of what is possible.
F- First concrete steps towards the vision.
Change happens when the product of these three factors is greater than R- Resistance.
And if you remember some 2nd-grade math class, if any factor is absent (zero), then the product will be zero. Therefore, the result won't overcome the resistance.
In conclusion, resistance is a b**tch.
We want to change, but how do we overcome the resistance?
TBH, we tend to seek coaching when the discomfort is too high.
Burnout did that for me.
Or when life gives you the nudge, and forces you to reassess work altogether.
BTW, even eagles need a push.
Since I changed 10 schools before 11, lived in 7 countries by 25, worked in 3 different industries with countless titles, and was married three times by 43, you would think I was excused from change by now.
Absolument pas!
However, I developed a sixth sense of change's timing and almost welcome it now.
It helps that I have a process for these transitions to make them smoother and shorter (because transformation fatigue is real.)
So here's my 101 of Thriving on Change.
Acknowledging the Dissatisfaction - that's where a coach can help with our inevitable blind spots like being stuck in working harder.
Creating a Vision that sets you apart from the crowd is the first tool I give my clients.
Taking small and regular concrete steps and coaches are great for accountability, too.
When done well, most change involves some sweat and tears, as any workout or learning does.
However, once you become familiar with upgrading your operating system, keeping up with external changes becomes second nature and much more pleasant.
My favorite futurist, Alvin Toffler, said: "The illiterate of the future are not those who can't read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
If you plan to live until 120, befriending change might be the only real skill you'll need.
Since I was asked to offer sessions to plan a job search or prepare for an interview, you now have the luxury of choice.
You have the option to schedule a one-off coaching session to make the changes you want.
Stay tuned for a PRDF on how I choose my coaches and a list of coaches I hired (coming out in May).
Please hit reply to share with me how you tame change. I'd love to hear your secret sauce.
The cool thing is that when you start to change, the universe rearranges reality to support the new version of you.
It's the cherry on the cake!
See below the results of driving the interview and you can schedule a session with me here.