The challenge with brilliant people...
They're sometimes too smart for their own good.
Our Western world values productivity and growth at all costs. And early on, we are trained to use our rational, reasoning, and logical brains to solve problems.
This brings excellent results at work.
So far, so good.
Except that, over the years, the brain starts believing it rules our life and eventually views the world -and ourselves- as a series of problems to be solved.
And it can quickly fall into one of the following two traps:
1/The brain meets a situation that resists our problem-solving skills, like a job search. It gets stuck in quicksand, and despite our best and repeated efforts, nothing changes. Eventually, the brain goes into endless scenarios as if playing 5 games of chess at once.
2/ The mind starts believing that if only we improved ourselves, all would be better - wink to Joe Rogan and all the self-help dudes- and before you know it, you are ingurgitating more advice from more podcasts you ever thought existed.
Some people, like me, double-downed and do both, because why not :)
In either case, we have allowed our thoughts to run the show.
So yes, an overactive brain can be "too much of a "good thing".
AI is a perfect analogy; without guidelines and supervision, it can quickly get out of control.
Having gotten myself out of both, I recognize those self-described overthinkers a mile away. They will tell me with intricate details how challenging their unique situation is,
If you are one of them, exhale.
In retrospect the advice I would give myself is, don't try this at home by yourself!
It’s close to impossible. It's your current thinking that got you there in the first place!
The old beliefs must shift to create fresh new thoughts.
Instead, by feeding attention to the problem, we make it persist like scratching a mosquito bite.
"Whether you think"you can or you think you can't – you're right,"
If I 'think I have a problem, my thoughts will validate that belief.
Seven years ago, the first coach I hired was to fix problems. It definitely helped.
The next coach I hired taught me to redirect my thinking, which yielded impressive results.
This summer, I was initiated to quantum coaching by my mentor, Jean Houston - look her up; she's a true Renaissance woman whose teachings leave me gasping for air.
Unlike traditional coaching, quantum coaching is about upgrading our belief system by operating from a deep connection to the Self.
The result is non-linear and fast solutions appear like unexpected synchronicity.
I’ve been practicing this with my clients, and I know they've got it when they start their sentences with: "It's so funny; this thing arrived out of the blue."
What Einstein called "spooky action at distance."
Even writing the following would have sounded crazy two years ago, but coaching has been the most fun, practical, and rewarding work I have ever done.
If you are ready to quantum jump your career, don’t hold yourself back!
To your quantum self!
P.S: Since all roads lead to Rome. Start with the Career Vision Masterclass to find what YOUR Rome looks like. The more unique, the more magnetic you become. Repeat and refine every 6 months for spectacular results.
P.P.S: And here is the latest episode of the Sur Mesure Career Podcast where I share what a Slumdog Millionaire Career looks like.